Theme And Topics

Theme1: Ecosystem and Sustainability issue

Maintaining healthy ecosystems, Ecosystem Resilience and Bio-Diversity, Improving water Quality for Improved ecosystem services, Food Processing and Packaging for sustaining healthy ecosystem, Land Management for improved production, Soil Erosion Control, Growing Horticulture and Fruit Crops Improving Rivers for Ecosystem Health

Theme2: Dimensions of water scarcity

Scarcity in availability of fresh water of acceptable quality with respect to aggregated demand, in the simple case of physical water shortage; Scarcity in access to water services, because of the failure of institutions in place to ensure reliable supply of water to users; Water Conservation, Water Harvesting in Urban and Rural Areas Scarcity due to the lack of adequate infrastructure, Water-related risks

Theme3: Agriculture as a user of marginal quality water

Ground water Contribution to streams Agriculture as a water polluter Water Conservation and Ecosystem Approaches Improving water availability through wastewater treatment Agriculture as a user of marginal quality water Contribute to food security by optimal use of water Canal Irrigation and its effect

Theme4: Application of Various approaches to improve water productivity

Including drought resistant crop varieties, boosting harvest index and biotechnology applications etc., Improved irrigation systems, improving water delivery services Analysis tools, Technologies, models and IT applications Participatory process and socioeconomics

Theme5: Water Governance

Water governance in India Exploitation of Ground Water Resources Changing groundwater laws Growing water quality problems Participatory management Canals to recharge aquifers Conjunctive water use Role for micro-irrigation