Conference Themes

Theme1: Water Scarcity in River Basins

Present scenario and efforts for sustainability; Concerns, Increasing demand and Potential Impacts, Pollution and waste water management and river and ground water qualities. Hydrological components. Methods and techniques of water loss reduction Institutional capacity and water governance; Policies for safe water supply and sanitation

Theme2: Water Sanitation and animal & human health aspects

Theme3: Agricultural Production

Sustainability of Agriculture, Major Agricultural Problems; Causes of low productivity; Current situation and future needs patterns of agricultural production, input-use, and major environmental impact thereof in the light of natural resource endowments, policies for promoting agricultural production. Improved production Technologies and tools;

Theme4: Adoptive Agriculture, Farm Machines and AdvanceTechnologies.

Theme5: Environmental Pollution and means to control

Theme6: Biotechnological processes and means for improving Agricultural production, Water quality and sewage water

Theme7: Climate Change and effect on human, Agriculture and fresh waterbodies

Sources of pollution; Effects in various regions Effects on water ecosystems and habitats, Natural Disasters and Extreme Events in Agriculture Living with Drought: drought mitigation for sustainable livelihoods The Impact of Climate Change on Drylands. Climate models, Future emissions scenarios, Projections of future climate, Uncertainty in climate ,Extreme events, Review of extreme climate and weather , Buildings and other structures, Transportation

Theme8:Natural Disasters, Risk Assessment and Management

Major Natural disasters, Causes and solutions; Climate change and water-related disasters Critical water shortages and disaster plans for fresh water system rehabilitation National strategies for disaster reduction. Drought, desertification and Agricultural disasters

Theme9:Civil Engineering Structures for adopting Climate Change

Role of IT in Disaster Management, Advancement in Information Technology in the form of Internet, GIS Remote Sensing, satellite communication and Information systems etc., in planning and implementation of hazards reduction measures. IT for emergency response and survival. Emerging geo information technologies for disaster Management.

Theme10: IT for awareness and Management

Role of Information Technology in Agriculture, Data Mining and “Big Data” Applications Emerging geo- information technologies for disaster Management. Database management,